So, I am going to start blogging again!

Vipul Patil
1 min readJan 27, 2021


I have thought about blogging multiple times over the past decade. But I have only ever actually written about 5 blog posts in all. The best of them, published a few years ago, was a technical explanation of a subsystem within iOS. It actually was very well received and reinvigorated my desire to publish more.

It’s now been 4 years and 3 months since the last one and I still haven’t published anything. The reason I have never written anything is because I always end up thinking why would anyone want to read what I have to say. What could I possibly add to the already saturated world of internet content. But more than that I am afraid to submit myself to whims of the internet. I am afraid that what I say will expose me for the naive fool that I am. I am afraid to fail.

After seven years in the Bay Area, I have learned one thing for sure. More failures have been caused by the fear of failure than by the lack of it. So with this post I make another attempt to resurrect my desire to write more. Hopefully this time laziness and fear of failure will not triumph over me.





Vipul Patil

I am one of the many coffee to code converters. When I am not doing that, I tend to play board/video games and watch/do improv.